Sunday, March 4, 2012


Remember the February photo-a-day challenge I mentioned a while ago? Well, I was (mostly) successful at remembering to snap a photo everyday, and I really enjoyed seeing everyone's interpretation of the prompts. If you have the Instagram app, I highly recommend joining in the fun for March's challenge! Find @fatmumslim on Twitter and give it a shot.


Day 1: My view as I worked on my Wix site
Day 2: Words from J.Crew

Day 3: Little hands while babysitting
Day 5: 10 a.m. - Getting ready for the day

Day 6: Roasting sweet potatoes for dinner 
Day 7: Button on my denim jacket

Day 8: The sun setting

Day 9: Armoire door instead of front door (because it's heinous)

Day 10: Self portrait
Day 12: Inside my closet

Day 14: Heart

Day 16: Trying something new for dinner

Day 19 & 20: Something I hate to do (study) / Handwriting
Day 21: A favorite photo. Fun memories from Vegas!

Day 22: Where I work

Day 23: My shoes

Day 24: Inside my bathroom cabinet

Day 25: My green heated blanket that I'm in love with

Day 26: Spent a night babysitting that munchkin

Day 27: Holds my money

Day 28: Something I ate @ Blue Sushi

Day 29: Something you're listening to

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