Sunday, January 29, 2012


This week mostly revolved around getting used to a new school and work schedule and readjusting to very little sleep. I resorted to study breaks involving Sweet Tarts and popular fiction books. Speaking of which, if you have not read The Hunger Games series, drop what you're doing right now and get yourself to a bookstore, pronto. Your life will be changed forever. I cannot say enough good things about the trilogy and I am counting down the days until the movie premiere! (March 23)

I couldn't resist the temptation of half-price burgers at Dutch's on a rainy night, or any night for that matter. I love impromptu date nights!

I came across this photo-a-day idea on Pinterest (where else?) and decided that it would be so fun to look back in a month and have a memory from every day in February. I've made progress with my New Year's resolution to take more photos, but this project would hold me accountable if I post them on this blog each week. Feel free to join in the fun if you are so inclined!

Instagram has become my best friend as of late, as you can tell. Posting pictures of my food doesn't seem so weird when other people are doing it too.... :)

See ya next week!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Hi! I'm Katelyn. When I was assigned to write a blog as a class assignment, I began to ponder potential topics that I would like to write about. Fashion? Cooking? Crafting? I decided that I could not possibly narrow it down so I would just throw them all in the mix and create a lifestyle blog. I believe as humans we are naturally curious about each other's lives, so here you will find a sneak peek into my life - from what I'm wearing (or what I wish I was wearing), my fore into cooking and baking while living on my own, my attempts at interior design and crafting, and whatever else happens to tickle my fancy during the week. We'll just ignore the fact that my apartment closet is the size of a cardboard box and my cooking skills are severely lacking - sound good? 

This past week was busy, but I was bound and determined to make this blueberry bread that I saw on Pinterest (a.k.a. my favorite pastime).


Mix 'er up

Voila! Blueberry breakfast perfection. Hint: It also makes a nifty late night snack.

The recipe can be found here.

I'm looking forward to using this blog as a way of documenting my sixth semester of college (hence the blog title) and I can't wait to see what next week brings!